Traffic Control HOWTO
Traffic control encompasses the sets of mechanisms and operations by which packets are queued for transmission/reception on a network interface. The operations include enqueuing, policing, classifying, scheduling, shaping and dropping. This HOWTO provides an introduction and overview of the capabilities and implementation of traffic control under Linux.
© 2006, Martin A. Brown
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no invariant sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, with no Back-Cover Text. A copy of the license is located at []
Table of Contents
Introduction to Linux Traffic Control
1.1. Target audience and assumptions about the reader
1.2. Conventions
1.3. Recommended approach
1.4. Missing content, corrections and feedback -
Overview of Concepts
2.1. What is it?
2.2. Why use it?
2.3. Advantages
2.4. Disdvantages
2.5. Queues
2.6. Flows
2.7. Tokens and buckets
2.8. Packets and frames -
Traditional Elements of Traffic Control
3.1. Shaping
3.2. Scheduling
3.3. Classifying
3.4. Policing
3.5. Dropping
3.6. Marking -
Components of Linux Traffic Control
4.1. qdisc
4.2. class
4.3. filter
4.4. classifier
4.5. policer
4.6. drop
4.7. handle -
Software and Tools
5.1. Kernel requirements
5.2. iproute2 tools (tc)
5.3. tcng, Traffic Control Next Generation
5.4. IMQ, Intermediate Queuing device -
Classless Queuing Disciplines (qdiscs)
6.1. FIFO, First-In First-Out (pfifo and bfifo)
6.2. pfifo_fast, the default Linux qdisc
6.3. SFQ, Stochastic Fair Queuing
6.4. ESFQ, Extended Stochastic Fair Queuing
6.5. GRED, Generic Random Early Drop
6.6. TBF, Token Bucket Filter -
Classful Queuing Disciplines (qdiscs)
7.1. HTB, Hierarchical Token Bucket
7.2. HFSC, Hierarchical Fair Service Curve
7.3. PRIO, priority scheduler
7.4. CBQ, Class Based Queuing -
Rules, Guidelines and Approaches
8.1. General Rules of Linux Traffic Control
8.2. Handling a link with a known bandwidth
8.3. Handling a link with a variable (or unknown) bandwidth
8.4. Sharing/splitting bandwidth based on flows
8.5. Sharing/splitting bandwidth based on IP -
Scripts for use with QoS/Traffic Control
9.1. wondershaper
9.2. ADSL Bandwidth HOWTO script (myshaper)
9.3. htb.init
9.4. tcng.init
9.5. cbq.init -
10.1. General diagram -
Annotated Traffic Control Links
- Introduction to Linux Traffic Control
Linux offers a very rich set of tools for managing and manipulating the transmission of packets. The larger Linux community is very familiar with the tools available under Linux for packet mangling and firewalling (netfilter, and before that, ipchains) as well as hundreds of network services which can run on the operating system. Few inside the community and fewer outside the Linux community are aware of the tremendous power of the traffic control subsystem which has grown and matured under kernels 2.2 and 2.4.
This HOWTO purports to introduce the concepts of traffic control, the traditional elements (in general), the components of the Linux traffic control implementation and provide some guidelines . This HOWTO represents the collection, amalgamation and synthesis of the [] LARTC HOWTO, documentation from individual projects and importantly the LARTC mailing list over a period of study.
本文介绍了tc(后文将使用tc作为traffic control的缩写)的概念,传统元素,tc控制组建的使用方法。本文是基于LARTC HOWTO的收集、合并、整合, 整个学习过程中各个文档和LARTC邮件列表的内容十分重要
The impatient soul, who simply wishes to experiment right now, is recommended to the [] Traffic Control using tcng and HTB HOWTO and [] LARTC HOWTO for immediate satisfaction.
1.1. Target audience and assumptions about the reader
The target audience for this HOWTO is the network administrator or savvy home user who desires an introduction to the field of traffic control and an overview of the tools available under Linux for implementing traffic control.
I assume that the reader is comfortable with UNIX concepts and the command line and has a basic knowledge of IP networking. Users who wish to implement traffic control may require the ability to patch, compile and install a kernel or software package [1]. For users with newer kernels (2.4.20+, see also Section 5.1), however, the ability to install and use software may be all that is required.
本文假设读者具备UNIX相关的基础概念,以及使用与IP 网络相关命令行的基础知识。进行tc控制的实现,可能需要具备打补丁、编译、安装内核或软件的能力。使用2.4.20+以后的新内核的用户,能够安装和使用相关软件即可。
Broadly speaking, this HOWTO was written with a sophisticated user in mind, perhaps one who has already had experience with traffic control under Linux.I assume that the reader may have no prior traffic control experience.
1.2. Conventions
This text was written in [] DocBook ([] version 4.2) with vim. All formatting has been applied by [] xsltproc based on DocBook XSL and LDP XSL stylesheets. Typeface formatting and display conventions are similar to most printed and electronically distributed technical documentation.
1.3. Recommended approach
I strongly recommend to the eager reader making a first foray into the discipline of traffic control, to become only casually familiar with the tc command line utility, before concentrating on tcng. The tcng software package defines an entire language for describing traffic control structures. At first, this language may seem daunting, but mastery of these basics will quickly provide the user with a much wider ability to employ (and deploy) traffic control configurations than the direct use of tc would afford.
我强烈建议急于学成的读者,仍要先从tc规则学起,在使用tcng之前先学习tc命令的使用; tcng软件包定义了一整套用于描述tc控制结构的语言。初看时,这些语言也许看起来很复杂吓人,但是一旦牢固掌握这些基础的之时候,比起直接生硬的使用tc,用户将具备更强的tc部署实施能力。
Where possible, I'll try to prefer describing the behaviour of the Linux traffic control system in an abstract manner, although in many cases I'll need to supply the syntax of one or the other common systems for defining these structures. I may not supply examples in both the tcng language and the tc command line, so the wise user will have some familiarity with both.
我可能更倾向使用抽象的方式描述Linux流量控制系统的行为,尽管在许多情况下,我会需要提供一种或另一种常见系统的语法来定义这些结构。 我可能不会同时以tcng语言和tc命令行提供示例,因此明智的用户将对这两种语言有所了解。
1.4. Missing content, corrections and feedback
There is content yet missing from this HOWTO. In particular, the following items will be added at some point to this documentation.
这些概念本文没有进行介绍。 特别是,以下内容有时会添加到本文档中.
A description and diagram of GRED, WRR, PRIO and CBQ.
GRED, WRR, PRIO and CBQ的说明和图表
A section of examples.
A section detailing the classifiers.
A section discussing the techniques for measuring traffic.
A section covering meters.
More details on tcng.
I welcome suggestions, corrections and feedback at All errors and omissions are strictly my fault. Although I have made every effort to verify the factual correctness of the content presented herein, I cannot accept any responsibility for actions taken under the influence of this documentation.
欢迎您在martin@linux-ip.net上提出建议,更正和反馈。 所有错误和遗漏严格是我的错。 尽管我已尽一切努力验证本文所提供内容的事实正确性,但我对在本文档的影响下采取的措施不承担任何责任。
- Overview of Concepts
This section will introduce traffic control and examine reasons for it, identify a few advantages and disadvantages and introduce key concepts used in traffic control.
2.1. What is it?
Traffic control is the name given to the sets of queuing systems and mechanisms by which packets are received and transmitted on a router. This includes deciding which (and whether) packets to accept at what rate on the input of an interface and determining which packets to transmit in what order at what rate on the output of an interface.
In the overwhelming majority of situations, traffic control consists of a single queue which collects entering packets and dequeues them as quickly as the hardware (or underlying device) can accept them. This sort of queue is a FIFO.
在绝大多数情况下,tc由单个队列组成,该队列收集进入的数据包,并在硬件(或底层设备)可以接受它们的速度下使它们出队。 这种队列是一个FIFO,先进先出。
Note The default qdisc under Linux is the pfifo_fast, which is slightly more complex than the FIFO.
There are examples of queues in all sorts of software. The queue is a way of organizing the pending tasks or data (see also Section 2.5). Because network links typically carry data in a serialized fashion, a queue is required to manage the outbound data packets.
在各种软件中都有队列的示例。 队列是一种组织未决任务或数据的方法(另请参见第2.5节)。 由于网络链路通常以串行方式承载数据,因此需要一个队列来管理出站数据包。
In the case of a desktop machine and an efficient webserver sharing the same uplink to the Internet, the following contention for bandwidth may occur. The web server may be able to fill up the output queue on the router faster than the data can be transmitted across the link, at which point the router starts to drop packets (its buffer is full!). Now, the desktop machine (with an interactive application user) may be faced with packet loss and high latency. Note that high latency sometimes leads to screaming users! By separating the internal queues used to service these two different classes of application, there can be better sharing of the network resource between the two applications.
在台式机和高效的Web服务器共享与Internet相同的上行链路的情况下,可能会发生以下带宽争用。 与通过链接传输数据相比,Web服务器可能能够更快地填充路由器上的输出队列,这时路由器开始丢弃数据包(其缓冲区已满!)。 现在,台式机(具有交互式应用程序用户)可能会面临丢包和高延迟的问题。注意这种高延迟有时候真的会让人发疯! 通过将两种不同类型的应用在内部队列中拆分,可以使两个应用程序之间更好地共享网络资源。
Traffic control is the set of tools which allows the user to have granular control over these queues and the queuing mechanisms of a networked device. The power to rearrange traffic flows and packets with these tools is tremendous and can be complicated, but is no substitute for adequate bandwidth.
The term Quality of Service (QoS) is often used as a synonym for traffic control.
2.2. Why use it?
Packet-switched networks differ from circuit based networks in one very important regard. A packet-switched network itself is stateless. A circuit-based network (such as a telephone network) must hold state within the network. IP networks are stateless and packet-switched networks by design; in fact, this statelessness is one of the fundamental strengths of IP.
分组交换网络在某些重要方面与基于电路的网络不同。 分组交换网络本身是无状态的。 基于电路的网络(例如电话网络)必须在网络内保持状态。 IP网络在设计上是无状态的分组交换网络,实际上,这种无国籍状态是IP的基本优势之一。
The weakness of this statelessness is the lack of differentiation between types of flows. In simplest terms, traffic control allows an administrator to queue packets differently based on attributes of the packet. It can even be used to simulate the behaviour of a circuit-based network. This introduces statefulness into the stateless network.
这种无状态的弱点在于流类型之间缺乏区分。 简单来说,流量控制允许管理员根据数据包的属性对数据包进行不同的队列设置。 它甚至可以用来模拟基于电路的网络的行为。 这将有状态性引入无状态网络。
There are many practical reasons to consider traffic control, and many scenarios in which using traffic control makes sense. Below are some examples of common problems which can be solved or at least ameliorated with these tools.
考虑流量控制有许多实际的原因,在许多情况下使用流量控制很有意义。 以下是这些工具可以解决或至少可以改善的一些常见问题的示例。
The list below is not an exhaustive list of the sorts of solutions available to users of traffic control, but introduces the types of problems that can be solved by using traffic control to maximize the usability of a network connection.
Common traffic control solutions
Limit total bandwidth to a known rate; TBF, HTB with child class(es).
Limit the bandwidth of a particular user, service or client; HTB classes and classifying with a filter. traffic.
Maximize TCP throughput on an asymmetric link; prioritize transmission
of ACK packets, wondershaper. -
Reserve bandwidth for a particular application or user; HTB with
children classes and classifying.
为特定的程序或用户保留带宽;使用带有子类的HTB -
Prefer latency sensitive traffic; PRIO inside an HTB class.
对延迟敏感的流量; HTB类中的PRIO。 -
Managed oversubscribed bandwidth; HTB with borrowing.
管理超额带宽:使用带有borrowing的HTB -
Allow equitable distribution of unreserved bandwidth; HTB with
borrowing. -
Ensure that a particular type of traffic is dropped; policer attached
to a filter with a drop action. -
Remember, too that sometimes, it is simply better to purchase more bandwidth. Traffic control does not solve all problems!
2.3. Advantages
When properly employed, traffic control should lead to more predictable usage of network resources and less volatile contention for these resources. The network then meets the goals of the traffic control configuration. Bulk download traffic can be allocated a reasonable amount of bandwidth even as higher priority interactive traffic is simultaneously serviced. Even low priority data transfer such as mail can be allocated bandwidth without tremendously affecting the other classes of traffic.
如果使用得当,流量控制应导致网络资源的使用更加可预测,并降低资源之间的竞争矛盾。 然后,网络满足流量控制配置的目标。 即使同时为更高优先级的交互式流量提供服务,也可以为批量下载流量分配合理数量的带宽。 即使是低优先级的数据传输(如邮件)也可以分配带宽,而不会极大地影响其他类型的流量。
In a larger picture, if the traffic control configuration represents policy which has been communicated to the users, then users (and, by extension, applications) know what to expect from the network.
2.4. Disdvantages
Complexity is easily one of the most significant disadvantages of using traffic control. There are ways to become familiar with traffic control tools which ease the learning curve about traffic control and its mechanisms, but identifying a traffic control misconfiguration can be quite a challenge.
复杂性很容易成为使用流量控制的最大缺点之一。 有一些方法可以使流量控制工具变得熟悉,这些工具可以简化有关流量控制及其机制的学习曲线,但是识别流量控制配置错误可能是一个很大的挑战。
Traffic control when used appropriately can lead to more equitable distribution of network resources. It can just as easily be installed in an inappropriate manner leading to further and more divisive contention for resources.
正确使用流量控制可以导致网络资源的更公平分配。 它也可以以不适当的方式轻松地安装,从而导致对资源的进一步和分歧性争用。
The computing resources required on a router to support a traffic control scenario need to be capable of handling the increased cost of maintaining the traffic control structures. Fortunately, this is a small incremental cost, but can become more significant as the configuration grows in size and complexity.
路由器上tc脚本的使用需要与其自身的算力能够维持。 庆幸的是这部分成本还是比较低的,但是随着配置的大小和复杂性的增加,计算资源能力可能更为重要。
For personal use, there's no training cost associated with the use of traffic control, but a company may find that purchasing more bandwidth is a simpler solution than employing traffic control. Training employees and ensuring depth of knowledge may be more costly than investing in more bandwidth.
对于个人使用,tc流控没有培训成本,但是对于公司而言,购买更多的带宽是比流量控制更简单。 培训员工和确保tc知识的深度可能比投资于更多带宽更昂贵。
Although traffic control on packet-switched networks covers a larger conceptual area, you can think of traffic control as a way to provide [some of] the statefulness of a circuit-based network to a packet-switched network.
2.5. Queues
Queues form the backdrop for all of traffic control and are the integral concept behind scheduling. A queue is a location (or buffer) containing a finite number of items waiting for an action or service. In networking, a queue is the place where packets (our units) wait to be transmitted by the hardware (the service). In the simplest model, packets are transmitted in a first-come first-serve basis [2]. In the discipline of computer networking (and more generally computer science), this sort of a queue is known as a FIFO.
队列支撑着tc的所有,并且也是调度背后不可或缺的概念。 队列是一个位置或者也叫缓冲区,包含有限数量的等待操作或服务的项目。 在网络中,队列是等待数据包(我们的单元)被硬件(服务)传输的地方。 在最简单的模型中,以先到先得的方式发送数据包[2]。 在计算机网络(更广泛地说是计算机科学)学科中,这种队列称为FIFO。
Without any other mechanisms, a queue doesn't offer any promise for traffic control. There are only two interesting actions in a queue. Anything entering a queue is enqueued into the queue. To remove an item from a queue is to dequeue that item.
如果没有任何其他机制,队列就无法提供任何流量控制承诺。 队列中只有两个有趣的动作,即进队和出对都需要队列等待的行为
A queue becomes much more interesting when coupled with other mechanisms which can delay packets, rearrange, drop and prioritize packets in multiple queues. A queue can also use subqueues, which allow for complexity of behaviour in a scheduling operation.
From the perspective of the higher layer software, a packet is simply enqueued for transmission, and the manner and order in which the enqueued packets are transmitted is immaterial to the higher layer. So, to the higher layer, the entire traffic control system may appear as a single queue [3]. It is only by examining the internals of this layer that the traffic control structures become exposed and available.
从高层软件的角度来看,仅将一个数据包排队以便传输,而传输已排队的数据包的方式和顺序对于高层来说并不重要。 因此,对于较高的层,整个流量控制系统可能显示为单个队列[3]。 仅通过检查该层的内部,流量控制结构才可以公开并可用。
2.6. Flows
A flow is a distinct connection or conversation between two hosts. Any unique set of packets between two hosts can be regarded as a flow. Under TCP the concept of a connection with a source IP and port and destination IP and port represents a flow. A UDP flow can be similarly defined.
流是两个主机之间的独特连接或对话。 两个主机之间的任何唯一的一组数据包都可以视为一个流。 在TCP下,与源IP和端口以及目标IP和端口的连接的概念表示流。 可以类似地定义UDP流。
Traffic control mechanisms frequently separate traffic into classes of flows which can be aggregated and transmitted as an aggregated flow (consider DiffServ). Alternate mechanisms may attempt to divide bandwidth equally based on the individual flows.
流量控制机制经常将流量分为几类流,这些流可以汇总并作为汇总流传输(请考虑DiffServ)。 替代机制可以尝试基于各个流将带宽平均分配。
Flows become important when attempting to divide bandwidth equally among a set of competing flows, especially when some applications deliberately build a large number of flows.
2.7. Tokens and buckets
Two of the key underpinnings of a shaping mechanisms are the interrelated concepts of tokens and buckets.
In order to control the rate of dequeuing, an implementation can count the number of packets or bytes dequeued as each item is dequeued, although this requires complex usage of timers and measurements to limit accurately. Instead of calculating the current usage and time, one method, used widely in traffic control, is to generate tokens at a desired rate, and only dequeue packets or bytes if a token is available.
为了控制出队的速率,实现可以对每个项目出队时的出队数据包或字节数进行计数,尽管这需要定时器和测量的复杂使用以精确地限制。 代替计算当前的使用情况和时间,在流量控制中广泛使用的一种方法是以所需的速率生成令牌,并且如果令牌可用,则仅使数据包或字节出队。
Consider the analogy of an amusement park ride with a queue of people waiting to experience the ride. Let's imagine a track on which carts traverse a fixed track. The carts arrive at the head of the queue at a fixed rate. In order to enjoy the ride, each person must wait for an available cart. The cart is analogous to a token and the person is analogous to a packet. Again, this mechanism is a rate-limiting or shaping mechanism. Only a certain number of people can experience the ride in a particular period.
我们可以将游乐园与一群等待体验的人进行比喻。 让我们想象一条小车横穿固定轨道的轨道。 推车以固定的速率到达队列的开头。 为了享受旅程,每个人都必须等待一辆可用的购物车。 手推车类似于令牌,人员类似于小包。 同样,该机制是速率限制或整形机制。 在特定时期内,只有一定数量的人可以体验骑行。
To extend the analogy, imagine an empty line for the amusement park ride and a large number of carts sitting on the track ready to carry people. If a large number of people entered the line together many (maybe all) of them could experience the ride because of the carts available and waiting. The number of carts available is a concept analogous to the bucket. A bucket contains a number of tokens and can use all of the tokens in bucket without regard for passage of time.
为了扩大类比,想象一下游乐园的空行和坐在轨道上的大量手推车准备载人。 如果有很多人一起进入生产线,那么由于可用的手推车和等待中的很多人(也许是所有人)可能会体验这次乘车之旅。 可用推车的数量是类似于铲斗的概念。 存储桶包含许多令牌,并且可以使用存储桶中的所有令牌,而无需考虑时间的流逝。
And to complete the analogy, the carts on the amusement park ride (our tokens) arrive at a fixed rate and are only kept available up to the size of the bucket. So, the bucket is filled with tokens according to the rate, and if the tokens are not used, the bucket can fill up. If tokens are used the bucket will not fill up. Buckets are a key concept in supporting bursty traffic such as HTTP.
为了进行类比,游乐园游乐设施上的手推车(令牌)以固定的速率到达,并且只能保持到存储桶大小为止。 因此,将根据速率将令牌填充到存储桶中,如果不使用令牌,则可以填充存储桶。如果使用令牌,则存储桶将不会填满。 桶是支持HTTP等突发流量的关键概念。
The TBF qdisc is a classical example of a shaper (the section on TBF includes a diagram which may help to visualize the token and bucket concepts). The TBF generates rate tokens and only transmits packets when a token is available. Tokens are a generic shaping concept.
TBF qdisc是整形器的经典示例(TBF的这一部分包括一个有助于可视化令牌和存储桶概念的)。 TBF生成速率令牌,并且仅在令牌可用时才发送数据包。 令牌是一个通用的整形概念。
In the case that a queue does not need tokens immediately, the tokens can be collected until they are needed. To collect tokens indefinitely would negate any benefit of shaping so tokens are collected until a certain number of tokens has been reached. Now, the queue has tokens available for a large number of packets or bytes which need to be dequeued. These intangible tokens are stored in an intangible bucket, and the number of tokens that can be stored depends on the size of the bucket.
在队列中不需要立即使用令牌的情况下,可以收集令牌,直到需要它们为止。 无限期地收集令牌会否定整形的任何好处,因此收集令牌直到达到一定数量的令牌为止。 现在,队列中的令牌可用于需要出队的大量数据包或字节。 这些无形令牌存储在无形存储桶中,可以存储的令牌数量取决于存储桶的大小。
This also means that a bucket full of tokens may be available at any instant. Very predictable regular traffic can be handled by small buckets. Larger buckets may be required for burstier traffic, unless one of the desired goals is to reduce the burstiness of the flows.
这也意味着充满令牌的存储桶可能随时可用。 小桶可以处理非常可预测的常规流量。 突发流量可能需要更大的存储桶,除非所需目标之一是减少流量突发性。
In summary, tokens are generated at rate, and a maximum of a bucket's worth of tokens may be collected. This allows bursty traffic to be handled, while smoothing and shaping the transmitted traffic.
总之,令牌是按一定速率生成的,并且可以收集存储桶中令牌的最大价值。 这样可以处理突发流量,同时对传输的流量进行平滑和整形。
The concepts of tokens and buckets are closely interrelated and are used in both TBF (one of the classless qdiscs) and HTB (one of the classful qdiscs). Within the tcng language, the use of two- and three-color meters is indubitably a token and bucket concept.
令牌和存储桶的概念紧密相关,并且在TBF(无类qdiscs之一)和HTB(有类qdiscs之一)中使用。 在tcng语言中,使用两色和三色表无疑是一个令牌和存储桶的概念。
2.8. Packets and frames
The terms for data sent across network changes depending on the layer the user is examining. This document will rather impolitely (and incorrectly) gloss over the technical distinction between packets and frames although they are outlined here.
跨网络发送的数据术语根据用户正在检查的层而变化。 尽管在此处概述了数据包和帧之间的技术区别,但该文档会相当不礼貌地(并且错误地)掩盖了它们之间的技术区别。
The word frame is typically used to describe a layer 2 (data link) unit of data to be forwarded to the next recipient. Ethernet interfaces, PPP interfaces, and T1 interfaces all name their layer 2 data unit a frame. The frame is actually the unit on which traffic control is performed.
字框通常用于描述要转发到下一个接收者的数据的第2层(数据链接)单元。 以太网接口,PPP接口和T1接口都将其第2层数据单元命名为帧。 该帧实际上是执行流量控制的单位。
A packet, on the other hand, is a higher layer concept, representing layer 3 (network) units. The term packet is preferred in this documentation, although it is slightly inaccurate.
另一方面,分组是高层概念,代表第3层(网络)单元。 在本文档中,术语“数据包”是首选,尽管它有点不准确。
- Traditional Elements of Traffic Control
3.1. Shaping
Shapers delay packets to meet a desired rate.
Shaping is the mechanism by which packets are delayed before transmission in an output queue to meet a desired output rate. This is one of the most common desires of users seeking bandwidth control solutions. The act of delaying a packet as part of a traffic control solution makes every shaping mechanism into a non-work-conserving mechanism, meaning roughly: "Work is required in order to delay packets."
整形是一种机制,通过该机制可以延迟数据包在输出队列中传输之前达到所需的输出速率。 这是用户寻求带宽控制解决方案的最普遍的愿望之一。 作为流量控制解决方案的一部分,延迟数据包的行为使每个整形机制都变成了一种不节省工作的机制,大致意味着:“为了延迟数据包,需要工作。”
Viewed in reverse, a non-work-conserving queuing mechanism is performing a shaping function. A work-conserving queuing mechanism (see PRIO) would not be capable of delaying a packet.
Shapers attempt to limit or ration traffic to meet but not exceed a configured rate (frequently measured in packets per second or bits/bytes per second). As a side effect, shapers can smooth out bursty traffic [4]. One of the advantages of shaping bandwidth is the ability to control latency of packets. The underlying mechanism for shaping to a rate is typically a token and bucket mechanism. See also Section 2.7 for further detail on tokens and buckets.
3.2. Scheduling
Schedulers arrange and/or rearrange packets for output.
Scheduling is the mechanism by which packets are arranged (or rearranged)
between input and output of a particular queue. The overwhelmingly most
common scheduler is the FIFO (first-in first-out) scheduler. From a larger
perspective, any set of traffic control mechanisms on an output queue can be
regarded as a scheduler, because packets are arranged for output.
Other generic scheduling mechanisms attempt to compensate for various
networking conditions. A fair queuing algorithm (see SFQ) attempts to prevent
any single client or flow from dominating the network usage. A round-robin
algorithm (see WRR) gives each flow or client a turn to dequeue packets.
Other sophisticated scheduling algorithms attempt to prevent backbone
overload (see GRED) or refine other scheduling mechanisms (see ESFQ).
3.3. Classifying
Classifiers sort or separate traffic into queues.
Classifying is the mechanism by which packets are separated for different
treatment, possibly different output queues. During the process of accepting,
routing and transmitting a packet, a networking device can classify the
packet a number of different ways. Classification can include marking the
packet, which usually happens on the boundary of a network under a single
administrative control or classification can occur on each hop individually.
The Linux model (see Section 4.3) allows for a packet to cascade across a
series of classifiers in a traffic control structure and to be classified in
conjunction with policers (see also Section 4.5).
3.4. Policing
Policers measure and limit traffic in a particular queue.
Policing, as an element of traffic control, is simply a mechanism by which
traffic can be limited. Policing is most frequently used on the network
border to ensure that a peer is not consuming more than its allocated
bandwidth. A policer will accept traffic to a certain rate, and then perform
an action on traffic exceeding this rate. A rather harsh solution is to drop
the traffic, although the traffic could be reclassified instead of being
A policer is a yes/no question about the rate at which traffic is entering
a queue. If the packet is about to enter a queue below a given rate, take one
action (allow the enqueuing). If the packet is about to enter a queue above a
given rate, take another action. Although the policer uses a token bucket
mechanism internally, it does not have the capability to delay a packet as a
shaping mechanism does.
3.5. Dropping
Dropping discards an entire packet, flow or classification.
Dropping a packet is a mechanism by which a packet is discarded.
3.6. Marking
Marking is a mechanism by which the packet is altered.
Note This is not fwmark. The iptablestarget MARKand the ipchains--markare
used to modify packet metadata, not the packet itself.
Traffic control marking mechanisms install a DSCP on the packet itself,
which is then used and respected by other routers inside an administrative
domain (usually for DiffServ).
- Components of Linux Traffic Control
Table 1. Correlation between traffic control elements and Linux components
|traditional element|Linux component |
|shaping |The class offers shaping capabilities. |
|scheduling |A qdisc is a scheduler. Schedulers can be simple such |
| |as the FIFO or complex, containing classes and other |
| |qdiscs, such as HTB. |
|classifying |The filter object performs the classification through |
| |the agency of a classifier object. Strictly speaking, |
| |Linux classifiers cannot exist outside of a filter. |
|policing |A policer exists in the Linux traffic control |
| |implementation only as part of a filter. |
|dropping |To drop traffic requires a filter with a policer which |
| |uses "drop" as an action. |
|marking |The dsmark qdisc is used for marking. |
4.1. qdisc
Simply put, a qdisc is a scheduler (Section 3.2). Every output interface
needs a scheduler of some kind, and the default scheduler is a FIFO. Other
qdiscs available under Linux will rearrange the packets entering the
scheduler's queue in accordance with that scheduler's rules.
The qdisc is the major building block on which all of Linux traffic control
is built, and is also called a queuing discipline.
The classful qdiscs can contain classes, and provide a handle to which to
attach filters. There is no prohibition on using a classful qdisc without
child classes, although this will usually consume cycles and other system
resources for no benefit.
The classless qdiscs can contain no classes, nor is it possible to attach
filter to a classless qdisc. Because a classless qdisc contains no children
of any kind, there is no utility to classifying. This means that no filter
can be attached to a classless qdisc.
A source of terminology confusion is the usage of the terms root qdisc and
ingress qdisc. These are not really queuing disciplines, but rather locations
onto which traffic control structures can be attached for egress (outbound
traffic) and ingress (inbound traffic).
Each interface contains both. The primary and more common is the egress
qdisc, known as the root qdisc. It can contain any of the queuing disciplines
(qdiscs) with potential classes and class structures. The overwhelming
majority of documentation applies to the root qdisc and its children. Traffic
transmitted on an interface traverses the egress or root qdisc.
For traffic accepted on an interface, the ingress qdisc is traversed. With
its limited utility, it allows no child class to be created, and only exists
as an object onto which a filter can be attached. For practical purposes, the
ingress qdisc is merely a convenient object onto which to attach a policer to
limit the amount of traffic accepted on a network interface.
In short, you can do much more with an egress qdisc because it contains a
real qdisc and the full power of the traffic control system. An ingress qdisc
can only support a policer. The remainder of the documentation will concern
itself with traffic control structures attached to the root qdisc unless
otherwise specified.
4.2. class
Classes only exist inside a classful qdisc (e.g., HTB and CBQ). Classes are
immensely flexible and can always contain either multiple children classes or
a single child qdisc [5]. There is no prohibition against a class containing
a classful qdisc itself, which facilitates tremendously complex traffic
control scenarios.
Any class can also have an arbitrary number of filters attached to it,
which allows the selection of a child class or the use of a filter to
reclassify or drop traffic entering a particular class.
A leaf class is a terminal class in a qdisc. It contains a qdisc (default
FIFO) and will never contain a child class. Any class which contains a child
class is an inner class (or root class) and not a leaf class.
4.3. filter
The filter is the most complex component in the Linux traffic control
system. The filter provides a convenient mechanism for gluing together
several of the key elements of traffic control. The simplest and most obvious
role of the filter is to classify (see Section 3.3) packets. Linux filters
allow the user to classify packets into an output queue with either several
different filters or a single filter.
A filter must contain a classifier phrase.
A filter may contain a policer phrase.
Filters can be attached either to classful qdiscs or to classes, however
the enqueued packet always enters the root qdisc first. After the filter
attached to the root qdisc has been traversed, the packet may be directed to
any subclasses (which can have their own filters) where the packet may
undergo further classification.
4.4. classifier
Filter objects, which can be manipulated using tc, can use several
different classifying mechanisms, the most common of which is the u32
classifier. The u32 classifier allows the user to select packets based on
attributes of the packet.
The classifiers are tools which can be used as part of a filter to identify
characteristics of a packet or a packet's metadata. The Linux classfier
object is a direct analogue to the basic operation and elemental mechanism of
traffic control classifying.
4.5. policer
This elemental mechanism is only used in Linux traffic control as part of a
filter. A policer calls one action above and another action below the
specified rate. Clever use of policers can simulate a three-color meter. See
also Section 10.
Although both policing and shaping are basic elements of traffic control
for limiting bandwidth usage a policer will never delay traffic. It can only
perform an action based on specified criteria. See also Example 5.
4.6. drop
This basic traffic control mechanism is only used in Linux traffic control
as part of a policer. Any policer attached to any filter could have a drop
Note The only place in the Linux traffic control system where a packet can be
explicitly dropped is a policer. A policer can limit packets enqueued at
a specific rate, or it can be configured to drop all traffic matching a
particular pattern [6].
There are, however, places within the traffic control system where a packet
may be dropped as a side effect. For example, a packet will be dropped if the
scheduler employed uses this method to control flows as the GRED does.
Also, a shaper or scheduler which runs out of its allocated buffer space
may have to drop a packet during a particularly bursty or overloaded period.
4.7. handle
Every class and classful qdisc (see also Section 7) requires a unique
identifier within the traffic control structure. This unique identifier is
known as a handle and has two constituent members, a major number and a minor
number. These numbers can be assigned arbitrarily by the user in accordance
with the following rules [7].
The numbering of handles for classes and qdiscs
This parameter is completely free of meaning to the kernel. The user
may use an arbitrary numbering scheme, however all objects in the traffic
control structure with the same parent must share a major handle number.
Conventional numbering schemes start at 1 for objects attached directly
to the root qdisc.
This parameter unambiguously identifies the object as a qdisc if minor
is 0. Any other value identifies the object as a class. All classes
sharing a parent must have unique minor numbers.
The special handle ffff:0 is reserved for the ingress qdisc.
The handle is used as the target in classid and flowid phrases of tc filter
statements. These handles are external identifiers for the objects, usable by
userland applications. The kernel maintains internal identifiers for each
- Software and Tools
5.1. Kernel requirements
Many distributions provide kernels with modular or monolithic support for
traffic control (Quality of Service). Custom kernels may not already provide
support (modular or not) for the required features. If not, this is a very
brief listing of the required kernel options.
The user who has little or no experience compiling a kernel is recommended
to Kernel HOWTO. Experienced kernel compilers should be able to determine
which of the below options apply to the desired configuration, after reading
a bit more about traffic control and planning.
Example 1. Kernel compilation options [8]
QoS and/or fair queueing
A kernel compiled with the above set of options will provide modular
support for almost everything discussed in this documentation. The user may
need to modprobe module before using a given feature. Again, the confused
user is recommended to the Kernel HOWTO, as this document cannot adequately
address questions about the use of the Linux kernel.
5.2. iproute2 tools (tc)
iproute2 is a suite of command line utilities which manipulate kernel structures for IP networking configuration on a machine. For technical documentation on these tools, see the iproute2 documentation and for a more expository discussion, the documentation at [] Of the tools in the iproute2 package, the binary tc is the only one used for traffic control. This HOWTO will ignore the other tools in the suite.
iproute2是一套命令行实用程序,可控制内核结构以在计算机上进行IP网络配置。 有关这些工具的技术文档,请参见iproute2文档,有关更多说明性讨论,请参见linux-ip.net上的文档。 在iproute2软件包中的工具中,二进制tc是唯一用于流量控制的工具。 该HOWTO将忽略套件中的其他工具。
Because it interacts with the kernel to direct the creation, deletion and modification of traffic control structures, the tc binary needs to be compiled with support for all of the qdiscs you wish to use. In particular, the HTB qdisc is not supported yet in the upstream iproute2 package. See Section 7.1 for more information.
因为它与内核交互以指导流量控制结构的创建,删除和修改,所以需要在支持您希望使用的所有qdiscs的情况下编译tc二进制文件。 特别是,上游iproute2软件包尚不支持HTB qdisc。
The tc tool performs all of the configuration of the kernel structures required to support traffic control. As a result of its many uses, the command syntax can be described (at best) as arcane. The utility takes as its first non-option argument one of three Linux traffic control components, qdisc, class or filter.
tc工具执行支持流量控制所需的内核结构的所有配置。 由于其用途广泛,命令语法可以(最多)描述为奥术。 该实用程序将qdisc,类或过滤器这三个Linux流量控制组件之一作为其第一个非选项参数。
Example 2. tc command usage
[root@leander]# tc
Usage: tc [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
where OBJECT := { qdisc | class | filter }
OPTIONS := { -s[tatistics] | -d[etails] | -r[aw] }
Each object accepts further and different options, and will be incompletely described and documented below. The hints in the examples below are designed to introduce the vagaries of tc command line syntax. For more examples, consult the [] LARTC HOWTO. For even better understanding, consult the kernel and iproute2 code.
每个对象都接受其他不同的选项,下面将对其进行不完整的描述和记录。 以下示例中的提示旨在介绍tc命令行语法的各种变化。 有关更多示例,请参阅[] LARTC HOWTO。 为了获得更好的理解,请查阅内核和iproute2代码。
Example 3. tc qdisc
[root@leander]# tc qdisc add \ (1)
dev eth0 \ (2) root \ (3) handle 1:0 \ (4) htb (5)
(1) Add a queuing discipline. The verb could also be del.
(2) Specify the device onto which we are attaching the new queuing
(3) This means "egress" to tc. The word root must be used, however. Another
qdisc with limited functionality, the ingress qdisc can be attached to
the same device.
(4) The handle is a user-specified number of the form major:minor. The
minor number for any queueing discipline handle must always be zero (0).
An acceptable shorthand for a qdisc handle is the syntax "1:", where the
minor number is assumed to be zero (0) if not specified.
(5) This is the queuing discipline to attach, HTB in this example. Queuing
discipline specific parameters will follow this. In the example here, we
add no qdisc-specific parameters.
Above was the simplest use of the tc utility for adding a queuing
discipline to a device. Here's an example of the use of tc to add a class to
an existing parent class.
Example 4. tc class
[root@leander]# tc class add \ (1)
dev eth0 \ (2) parent 1:1 \ (3) classid 1:6 \ (4) htb \ (5) rate 256kbit \ (6) ceil 512kbit (7)
(1) Add a class. The verb could also be del.
(2) Specify the device onto which we are attaching the new class.
(3) Specify the parent handle to which we are attaching the new class.
(4) This is a unique handle (major:minor) identifying this class. The minor
number must be any non-zero (0) number.
(5) Both of the classful qdiscs require that any children classes be
classes of the same type as the parent. Thus an HTB qdisc will contain
HTB classes.
(6) (7)
This is a class specific parameter. Consult Section 7.1 for more detail
on these parameters.
Example 5. tc filter
[root@leander]# tc filter add \ (1)
dev eth0 \ (2) parent 1:0 \ (3) protocol ip \ (4) prio 5 \ (5) u32 \ (6) match ip port 22 0xffff \ (7) match ip tos 0x10 0xff \ (8) flowid 1:6 \ (9) police \ (10) rate 32000bps \ (11) burst 10240 \ (12) mpu 0 \ (13) action drop/continue (14)
(1) Add a filter. The verb could also be del.
(2) Specify the device onto which we are attaching the new filter.
(3) Specify the parent handle to which we are attaching the new filter.
(4) This parameter is required. It's use should be obvious, although I
don't know more.
(5) The prio parameter allows a given filter to be preferred above another.
The pref is a synonym.
(6) This is a classifier, and is a required phrase in every tc filter
(7) (8)
These are parameters to the classifier. In this case, packets with a
type of service flag (indicating interactive usage) and matching port 22
will be selected by this statement.
(9) The flowid specifies the handle of the target class (or qdisc) to which
a matching filter should send its selected packets.
This is the policer, and is an optional phrase in every tc filter
(11) The policer will perform one action above this rate, and another action
below (see action parameter).
(12) The burst is an exact analog to burst in HTB (burst is a buckets
(13) The minimum policed unit. To count all traffic, use an mpu of zero (0).
(14) The action indicates what should be done if the rate based on the
attributes of the policer. The first word specifies the action to take if
the policer has been exceeded. The second word specifies action to take
As evidenced above, the tc command line utility has an arcane and complex
syntax, even for simple operations such as these examples show. It should
come as no surprised to the reader that there exists an easier way to
configure Linux traffic control. See the next section, Section 5.3.
5.3. tcng, Traffic Control Next Generation
FIXME; sing the praises of tcng. See also [
Traffic-Control-tcng-HTB-HOWTO/] Traffic Control using tcng and HTB HOWTO
and tcng documentation.
Traffic control next generation (hereafter, tcng) provides all of the power
of traffic control under Linux with twenty percent of the headache.
5.4. IMQ, Intermediate Queuing device
FIXME; must discuss IMQ. See also Patrick McHardy's website on [http://] IMQ.
- Classless Queuing Disciplines (qdiscs)
Each of these queuing disciplines can be used as the primary qdisc on an
interface, or can be used inside a leaf class of a classful qdiscs. These are
the fundamental schedulers used under Linux. Note that the default scheduler
is the pfifo_fast.
6.1. FIFO, First-In First-Out (pfifo and bfifo)
Note This is not the default qdisc on Linux interfaces. Be certain to see
Section 6.2 for the full details on the default (pfifo_fast) qdisc.
The FIFO algorithm forms the basis for the default qdisc on all Linux
network interfaces (pfifo_fast). It performs no shaping or rearranging of
packets. It simply transmits packets as soon as it can after receiving and
queuing them. This is also the qdisc used inside all newly created classes
until another qdisc or a class replaces the FIFO.
A real FIFO qdisc must, however, have a size limit (a buffer size) to
prevent it from overflowing in case it is unable to dequeue packets as
quickly as it receives them. Linux implements two basic FIFO qdiscs, one
based on bytes, and one on packets. Regardless of the type of FIFO used, the
size of the queue is defined by the parameter limit. For a pfifo the unit is
understood to be packets and for a bfifo the unit is understood to be bytes.
Example 6. Specifying a limit for a packet or byte FIFO
[root@leander]# cat bfifo.tcc
- make a FIFO on eth0 with 10kbyte queue size
dev eth0 {
egress {
fifo (limit 10kB );
[root@leander]# tcc < bfifo.tcc
================================ Device eth0 ================================
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 1 default_index 0
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 2:0 parent 1:0 bfifo limit 10240
[root@leander]# cat pfifo.tcc
- make a FIFO on eth0 with 30 packet queue size
dev eth0 {
egress {
fifo (limit 30p );
[root@leander]# tcc < pfifo.tcc
================================ Device eth0 ================================
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 1 default_index 0
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 2:0 parent 1:0 pfifo limit 30
6.2. pfifo_fast, the default Linux qdisc
The pfifo_fast qdisc is the default qdisc for all interfaces under Linux.
Based on a conventional FIFO qdisc, this qdisc also provides some
prioritization. It provides three different bands (individual FIFOs) for
separating traffic. The highest priority traffic (interactive flows) are
placed into band 0 and are always serviced first. Similarly, band 1 is always
emptied of pending packets before band 2 is dequeued.
There is nothing configurable to the end user about the pfifo_fast qdisc.
For exact details on the priomap and use of the ToS bits, see the pfifo-fast
section of the LARTC HOWTO.
6.3. SFQ, Stochastic Fair Queuing
The SFQ qdisc attempts to fairly distribute opportunity to transmit data to
the network among an arbitrary number of flows. It accomplishes this by using
a hash function to separate the traffic into separate (internally maintained)
FIFOs which are dequeued in a round-robin fashion. Because there is the
possibility for unfairness to manifest in the choice of hash function, this
function is altered periodically. Perturbation (the parameter perturb) sets
this periodicity.
Example 7. Creating an SFQ
[root@leander]# cat sfq.tcc
- make an SFQ on eth0 with a 10 second perturbation
dev eth0 {
egress {
sfq( perturb 10s );
[root@leander]# tcc < sfq.tcc
================================ Device eth0 ================================
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 1 default_index 0
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 2:0 parent 1:0 sfq perturb 10
Unfortunately, some clever software (e.g. Kazaa and eMule among others)
obliterate the benefit of this attempt at fair queuing by opening as many TCP
sessions (flows) as can be sustained. In many networks, with well-behaved
users, SFQ can adequately distribute the network resources to the contending
flows, but other measures may be called for when obnoxious applications have
invaded the network.
See also Section 6.4 for an SFQ qdisc with more exposed parameters for the
user to manipulate.
6.4. ESFQ, Extended Stochastic Fair Queuing
Conceptually, this qdisc is no different than SFQ although it allows the
user to control more parameters than its simpler cousin. This qdisc was
conceived to overcome the shortcoming of SFQ identified above. By allowing
the user to control which hashing algorithm is used for distributing access
to network bandwidth, it is possible for the user to reach a fairer real
distribution of bandwidth.
Example 8. ESFQ usage
Usage: ... esfq [ perturb SECS ] [ quantum BYTES ] [ depth FLOWS ]
[ divisor HASHBITS ] [ limit PKTS ] [ hash HASHTYPE]
HASHTYPE := { classic | src | dst }
FIXME; need practical experience and/or attestation here.
6.5. GRED, Generic Random Early Drop
FIXME; I have never used this. Need practical experience or attestation.
Theory declares that a RED algorithm is useful on a backbone or core
network, but not as useful near the end-user. See the section on flows to see
a general discussion of the thirstiness of TCP.
6.6. TBF, Token Bucket Filter
This qdisc is built on tokens and buckets. It simply shapes traffic
transmitted on an interface. To limit the speed at which packets will be
dequeued from a particular interface, the TBF qdisc is the perfect solution.
It simply slows down transmitted traffic to the specified rate.
Packets are only transmitted if there are sufficient tokens available.
Otherwise, packets are deferred. Delaying packets in this fashion will
introduce an artificial latency into the packet's round trip time.
Example 9. Creating a 256kbit/s TBF
[root@leander]# cat tbf.tcc
- make a 256kbit/s TBF on eth0
dev eth0 {
egress {
tbf( rate 256 kbps, burst 20 kB, limit 20 kB, mtu 1514 B );
[root@leander]# tcc < tbf.tcc
================================ Device eth0 ================================
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 1 default_index 0
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 2:0 parent 1:0 tbf burst 20480 limit 20480 mtu 1514 rate 32000bps
- Classful Queuing Disciplines (qdiscs)
The flexibility and control of Linux traffic control can be unleashed
through the agency of the classful qdiscs. Remember that the classful queuing
disciplines can have filters attached to them, allowing packets to be
directed to particular classes and subqueues.
There are several common terms to describe classes directly attached to the
root qdisc and terminal classes. Classess attached to the root qdisc are
known as root classes, and more generically inner classes. Any terminal class
in a particular queuing discipline is known as a leaf class by analogy to the
tree structure of the classes. Besides the use of figurative language
depicting the structure as a tree, the language of family relationships is
also quite common.
7.1. HTB, Hierarchical Token Bucket
HTB uses the concepts of tokens and buckets along with the class-based
system and filters to allow for complex and granular control over traffic.
With a complex borrowing model, HTB can perform a variety of sophisticated
traffic control techniques. One of the easiest ways to use HTB immediately is
that of shaping.
By understanding tokens and buckets or by grasping the function of TBF, HTB
should be merely a logical step. This queuing discipline allows the user to
define the characteristics of the tokens and bucket used and allows the user
to nest these buckets in an arbitrary fashion. When coupled with a
classifying scheme, traffic can be controlled in a very granular fashion.
Below is example output of the syntax for HTB on the command line with the
tc tool. Although the syntax for tcng is a language of its own, the rules for
HTB are the same.
Example 10. tc usage for HTB
Usage: ... qdisc add ... htb [default N] [r2q N]
default minor id of class to which unclassified packets are sent {0}
r2q DRR quantums are computed as rate in Bps/r2q {10}
debug string of 16 numbers each 0-3 {0}
... class add ... htb rate R1 burst B1 [prio P] [slot S] [pslot PS]
[ceil R2] [cburst B2] [mtu MTU] [quantum Q]
rate rate allocated to this class (class can still borrow)
burst max bytes burst which can be accumulated during idle period
ceil definite upper class rate (no borrows)
cburst burst but for ceil
mtu max packet size we create rate map for {1600}
prio priority of leaf; lower are served first {0}
quantum how much bytes to serve from leaf at once
TC HTB version 3.3
7.1.1. Software requirements
Unlike almost all of the other software discussed, HTB is a newer queuing
discipline and your distribution may not have all of the tools and capability
you need to use HTB. The kernel must support HTB; kernel version 2.4.20 and
later support it in the stock distribution, although earlier kernel versions
require patching. To enable userland support for HTB, see [http://] HTB for an iproute2 patch to tc.
7.1.2. Shaping
One of the most common applications of HTB involves shaping transmitted
traffic to a specific rate.
All shaping occurs in leaf classes. No shaping occurs in inner or root
classes as they only exist to suggest how the borrowing model should
distribute available tokens.
7.1.3. Borrowing
A fundamental part of the HTB qdisc is the borrowing mechanism. Children
classes borrow tokens from their parents once they have exceeded rate. A
child class will continue to attempt to borrow until it reaches ceil, at
which point it will begin to queue packets for transmission until more tokens
/ctokens are available. As there are only two primary types of classes which
can be created with HTB the following table and diagram identify the various
possible states and the behaviour of the borrowing mechanisms.
Table 2. HTB class states and potential actions taken
|type |class|HTB internal |action taken |
|of |state|state | |
|class | | | |
|leaf |< |HTB_CAN_SEND |Leaf class will dequeue queued bytes up to |
| |rate | |available tokens (no more than burst packets) |
|leaf |> |HTB_MAY_BORROW|Leaf class will attempt to borrow tokens/ |
| |rate,| |ctokens from parent class. If tokens are |
| |< | |available, they will be lent in quantum |
| |ceil | |increments and the leaf class will dequeue up |
| | | |to cburst bytes |
|leaf |> |HTB_CANT_SEND |No packets will be dequeued. This will cause |
| |ceil | |packet delay and will increase latency to meet |
| | | |the desired rate. |
|inner,|< |HTB_CAN_SEND |Inner class will lend tokens to children. |
|root |rate | | |
|inner,|> |HTB_MAY_BORROW|Inner class will attempt to borrow tokens/ |
|root |rate,| |ctokens from parent class, lending them to |
| |< | |competing children in quantum increments per |
| |ceil | |request. |
|inner,|> |HTB_CANT_SEND |Inner class will not attempt to borrow from its|
|root |ceil | |parent and will not lend tokens/ctokens to |
| | | |children classes. |
This diagram identifies the flow of borrowed tokens and the manner in which
tokens are charged to parent classes. In order for the borrowing model to
work, each class must have an accurate count of the number of tokens used by
itself and all of its children. For this reason, any token used in a child or
leaf class is charged to each parent class until the root class is reached.
Any child class which wishes to borrow a token will request a token from
its parent class, which if it is also over its rate will request to borrow
from its parent class until either a token is located or the root class is
reached. So the borrowing of tokens flows toward the leaf classes and the
charging of the usage of tokens flows toward the root class.
Note in this diagram that there are several HTB root classes. Each of these
root classes can simulate a virtual circuit.
7.1.4. HTB class parameters
An optional parameter with every HTB qdisc object, the default default
is 0, which cause any unclassified traffic to be dequeued at hardware
speed, completely bypassing any of the classes attached to the root
Used to set the minimum desired speed to which to limit transmitted
traffic. This can be considered the equivalent of a committed information
rate (CIR), or the guaranteed bandwidth for a given leaf class.
Used to set the maximum desired speed to which to limit the transmitted
traffic. The borrowing model should illustrate how this parameter is
used. This can be considered the equivalent of "burstable bandwidth".
This is the size of the rate bucket (see Tokens and buckets). HTB will
dequeue burst bytes before awaiting the arrival of more tokens.
This is the size of the ceil bucket (see Tokens and buckets). HTB will
dequeue cburst bytes before awaiting the arrival of more ctokens.
This is a key parameter used by HTB to control borrowing. Normally, the
correct quantum is calculated by HTB, not specified by the user. Tweaking
this parameter can have tremendous effects on borrowing and shaping under
contention, because it is used both to split traffic between children
classes over rate (but below ceil) and to transmit packets from these
same classes.
Also, usually calculated for the user, r2q is a hint to HTB to help
determine the optimal quantum for a particular class.
7.1.5. Rules
Below are some general guidelines to using HTB culled from [http://] and the LARTC mailing list. These rules are
simply a recommendation for beginners to maximize the benefit of HTB until
gaining a better understanding of the practical application of HTB.
Shaping with HTB occurs only in leaf classes. See also Section 7.1.2.
Because HTB does not shape in any class except the leaf class, the sum
of the rates of leaf classes should not exceed the ceil of a parent
class. Ideally, the sum of the rates of the children classes would match
the rate of the parent class, allowing the parent class to distribute
leftover bandwidth (ceil - rate) among the children classes.This key concept in employing HTB bears repeating. Only leaf classes
actually shape packets; packets are only delayed in these leaf classes.
The inner classes (all the way up to the root class) exist to define how
borrowing/lending occurs (see also Section 7.1.3). -
The quantum is only only used when a class is over rate but below ceil.
The quantum should be set at MTU or higher. HTB will dequeue a single
packet at least per service opportunity even if quantum is too small. In
such a case, it will not be able to calculate accurately the real
bandwidth consumed [9]. -
Parent classes lend tokens to children in increments of quantum, so for
maximum granularity and most instantaneously evenly distributed
bandwidth, quantum should be as low as possible while still no less than
MTU. -
A distinction between tokens and ctokens is only meaningful in a leaf
class, because non-leaf classes only lend tokens to child classes. -
HTB borrowing could more accurately be described as "using".
7.2. HFSC, Hierarchical Fair Service Curve
The HFSC classful qdisc balances delay-sensitive traffic against throughput
sensitive traffic. In a congested or backlogged state, the HFSC queuing
discipline interleaves the delay-sensitive traffic when required according
service curve definitions. Read about the Linux implementation in German,
HFSC Scheduling mit Linux or read a translation into English, HFSC Scheduling
with Linux. The original research article, A Hierarchical Fair Service Curve
Algorithm For Link-Sharing, Real-Time and Priority Services, also remains
This section will be completed at a later date.
7.3. PRIO, priority scheduler
The PRIO classful qdisc works on a very simple precept. When it is ready to
dequeue a packet, the first class is checked for a packet. If there's a
packet, it gets dequeued. If there's no packet, then the next class is
checked, until the queuing mechanism has no more classes to check.
This section will be completed at a later date.
7.4. CBQ, Class Based Queuing
CBQ is the classic implementation (also called venerable) of a traffic
control system. This section will be completed at a later date.
- Rules, Guidelines and Approaches
8.1. General Rules of Linux Traffic Control
There are a few general rules which ease the study of Linux traffic
control. Traffic control structures under Linux are the same whether the
initial configuration has been done with tcng or with tc.
Any router performing a shaping function should be the bottleneck on
the link, and should be shaping slightly below the maximum available link
bandwidth. This prevents queues from forming in other routers, affording
maximum control of packet latency/deferral to the shaping device. -
A device can only shape traffic it transmits [10]. Because the traffic
has already been received on an input interface, the traffic cannot be
shaped. A traditional solution to this problem is an ingress policer. -
Every interface must have a qdisc. The default qdisc (the pfifo_fast
qdisc) is used when another qdisc is not explicitly attached to the
interface. -
One of the classful qdiscs added to an interface with no children
classes typically only consumes CPU for no benefit. -
Any newly created class contains a FIFO. This qdisc can be replaced
explicitly with any other qdisc. The FIFO qdisc will be removed
implicitly if a child class is attached to this class. -
Classes directly attached to the root qdisc can be used to simulate
virtual circuits. -
A filter can be attached to classes or one of the classful qdiscs.
8.2. Handling a link with a known bandwidth
HTB is an ideal qdisc to use on a link with a known bandwidth, because the
innermost (root-most) class can be set to the maximum bandwidth available on
a given link. Flows can be further subdivided into children classes, allowing
either guaranteed bandwidth to particular classes of traffic or allowing
preference to specific kinds of traffic.
8.3. Handling a link with a variable (or unknown) bandwidth
In theory, the PRIO scheduler is an ideal match for links with variable
bandwidth, because it is a work-conserving qdisc (which means that it
provides no shaping). In the case of a link with an unknown or fluctuating
bandwidth, the PRIO scheduler simply prefers to dequeue any available packet
in the highest priority band first, then falling to the lower priority
8.4. Sharing/splitting bandwidth based on flows
Of the many types of contention for network bandwidth, this is one of the
easier types of contention to address in general. By using the SFQ qdisc,
traffic in a particular queue can be separated into flows, each of which will
be serviced fairly (inside that queue). Well-behaved applications (and users)
will find that using SFQ and ESFQ are sufficient for most sharing needs.
The Achilles heel of these fair queuing algorithms is a misbehaving user or
application which opens many connections simultaneously (e.g., eMule,
eDonkey, Kazaa). By creating a large number of individual flows, the
application can dominate slots in the fair queuing algorithm. Restated, the
fair queuing algorithm has no idea that a single application is generating
the majority of the flows, and cannot penalize the user. Other methods are
called for.
8.5. Sharing/splitting bandwidth based on IP
For many administrators this is the ideal method of dividing bandwidth
amongst their users. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution, and it becomes
increasingly complex with the number of machine sharing a network link.
To divide bandwidth equitably between N IP addresses, there must be N
- Scripts for use with QoS/Traffic Control
9.1. wondershaper
More to come, see [] wondershaper.
9.2. ADSL Bandwidth HOWTO script (myshaper)
More to come, see [
ADSL-Bandwidth-Management-HOWTO/implementation.html] myshaper.
9.3. htb.init
More to come, see htb.init.
9.4. tcng.init
More to come, see tcng.init.
9.5. cbq.init
More to come, see cbq.init.
- Diagram
10.1. General diagram
Below is a general diagram of the relationships of the components of a
classful queuing discipline (HTB pictured). A larger version of the diagram
is [] available.
Example 11. An example HTB tcng configuration
- possible mock up of diagram shown at
$m_web = trTCM (
cir 512 kbps, /* commited information rate /
cbs 10 kB, / burst for CIR /
pir 1024 kbps, / peak information rate /
pbs 10 kB / burst for PIR */
) ;
dev eth0 {
egress {
class ( <$web> ) if tcp_dport == PORT_HTTP && __trTCM_green( $m_web );
class ( <$bulk> ) if tcp_dport == PORT_HTTP && __trTCM_yellow( $m_web );
drop if __trTCM_red( $m_web );
class ( <$bulk> ) if tcp_dport == PORT_SSH ;
htb () { /* root qdisc */
class ( rate 1544kbps, ceil 1544kbps ) { /* root class */
$web = class ( rate 512kbps, ceil 512kbps ) { sfq ; } ;
$bulk = class ( rate 512kbps, ceil 1544kbps ) { sfq ; } ;
- Annotated Traffic Control Links
This section identifies a number of links to documentation about traffic
control and Linux traffic control software. Each link will be listed with a
brief description of the content at that site.
HTB site, HTB user guide and HTB theory (Martin "devik" Devera)
Hierarchical Token Bucket, HTB, is a classful queuing discipline.
Widely used and supported it is also fairly well documented in the user
guide and at [] Stef Coene's site (see below). -
General Quality of Service docs (Leonardo Balliache)
There is a good deal of understandable and introductory documentation on
his site, and in particular has some excellent overview material. See in
particular, the detailed [] Linux QoS
document among others.
tcng (Traffic Control Next Generation) and tcng manual (Werner
Almesberger)The tcng software includes a language and a set of tools for creating
and testing traffic control structures. In addition to generating tc
commands as output, it is also capable of providing output for non-Linux
applications. A key piece of the tcng suite which is ignored in this
documentation is the tcsim traffic control simulator.The user manual provided with the tcng software has been converted to
HTML with latex2html. The distribution comes with the TeX documentation. -
iproute2 and iproute2 manual (Alexey Kuznetsov)
This is a the source code for the iproute2 suite, which includes the
essential tc binary. Note, that as of
iproute2-2.4.7-now-ss020116-try.tar.gz, the package did not support HTB,
so a patch available from the [] HTB
site will be required.The manual documents the entire suite of tools, although the tc utility
is not adequately documented here. The ambitious reader is recommended to
the LARTC HOWTO after consuming this introduction. -
Documentation, graphs, scripts and guidelines to traffic control under
Linux (Stef Coene)Stef Coene has been gathering statistics and test results, scripts and
tips for the use of QoS under Linux. There are some particularly useful
graphs and guidelines available for implementing traffic control at
Stef's site. -
[] LARTC HOWTO (bert hubert, et. al.)
The Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control HOWTO is one of the key
sources of data about the sophisticated techniques which are available
for use under Linux. The Traffic Control Introduction HOWTO should
provide the reader with enough background in the language and concepts of
traffic control. The LARTC HOWTO is the next place the reader should look
for general traffic control information. -
Guide to IP Networking with Linux (Martin A. Brown)
Not directly related to traffic control, this site includes articles
and general documentation on the behaviour of the Linux IP layer. -
Werner Almesberger's Papers
Werner Almesberger is one of the main developers and champions of
traffic control under Linux (he's also the author of tcng, above). One of
the key documents describing the entire traffic control architecture of
the Linux kernel is his Linux Traffic Control - Implementation Overview
which is available in []
PDF or [] PS format. -
Linux DiffServ project
Mercilessly snipped from the main page of the DiffServ site...
Differentiated Services (short: Diffserv) is an architecture for
providing different types or levels of service for network traffic.
One key characteristic of Diffserv is that flows are aggregated in
the network, so that core routers only need to distinguish a
comparably small number of aggregated flows, even if those flows
contain thousands or millions of individual flows.
[1] See Section 5 for more details on the use or installation of a
particular traffic control mechanism, kernel or command line utility.
[2] This queueing model has long been used in civilized countries to
distribute scant food or provisions equitably. William Faulkner is
reputed to have walked to the front of the line for to fetch his share
of ice, proving that not everybody likes the FIFO model, and providing
us a model for considering priority queuing.
[3] Similarly, the entire traffic control system appears as a queue or
scheduler to the higher layer which is enqueuing packets into this
[4] This smoothing effect is not always desirable, hence the HTB parameters
burst and cburst.
[5] A classful qdisc can only have children classes of its type. For
example, an HTB qdisc can only have HTB classes as children. A CBQ qdisc
cannot have HTB classes as children.
[6] In this case, you'll have a filter which uses a classifier to select the
packets you wish to drop. Then you'll use a policer with a with a drop
action like this police rate 1bps burst 1 action drop/drop.
[7] I do not know the range nor base of these numbers. I believe they are
u32 hexadecimal, but need to confirm this.
[8] The options listed in this example are taken from a 2.4.20 kernel source
tree. The exact options may differ slightly from kernel release to
kernel release depending on patches and new schedulers and classifiers.
[9] HTB will report bandwidth usage in this scenario incorrectly. It will
calculate the bandwidth used by quantum instead of the real dequeued
packet size. This can skew results quickly.
[10] In fact, the Intermediate Queuing Device (IMQ) simulates an output
device onto which traffic control structures can be attached. This
clever solution allows a networking device to shape ingress traffic in
the same fashion as egress traffic. Despite the apparent contradiction
of the rule, IMQ appears as a device to the kernel. Thus, there has been
no violation of the rule, but rather a sneaky reinterpretation of that